Theatres, Cinema-halls, Cineplexes, and Auditoriums are important public buildings in modern society. They provide places for entertainment. The whole concept of Vastu Shastra is based on the Vedic truth that a built-up structure has its own rhythm and vibration and has an interactive influence on beings. The land and the building exert an influence that can be re-oriented for the benefit of the individual.

The uniform Vastu rules for all types of construction with little modification can be applied for the construction of theatres, Cinema halls, cineplexes, and auditoriums. The difference in Vastu requirements is also in the purpose of the building. For example, a temple is also a Public building, but the purpose is to sustain and support Dharma. In contrast, a cinema hall or theatre is a public building where the purpose is to cater to healthy entertainment.

An entertainment hall is a place where people of different age groups, sex, temperament, and disposition sit together and watch a performance. They open up totally to the presentation in the most receptive way. The time for which they sit together in the hall is a short duration. This short duration of staying together, yet not inter-acting, but open to the same influence, is unique which normally does not happen in other places or other activities (except perhaps on the sports grounds and stadiums) The shared exposure to theatre and cinema molds the behavior, character, personality, actions, value system, culture, and language usage, etiquette and behavioral patterns of individuals as well as of society. In India, as it is all over the world, cinema is part of our individual and collective consciousness. The Vastu of the entertainment hall, therefore, should be so powerful as to promote the healthy development of these aspects.

ln, a society like India, where films have been the prime source of entertainment, multiplexes, and cineplexes have redefined the experience of ‘going to the movies. Multiplexes have existed, in the West for quite some time. The prime reason for their origin was to make cinemas more efficient and profitable. Multiplexes were an innovative solution to patrons’ demands for a wider choice of films at a single location. They also resulted in savings by reducing staff, overheads, and maintenance costs. Today theatres are more than just places for watching movies. They have become complete entertainment centers with facilities such as cafes, games areas, specialty food restaurants, coffee bars, venues to host promotional film events, souvenirs, and gift shops. They are often integrated into or surrounded by shopping centers.

The goal of a Vastu-perfect cineplex/auditorium/theatre is:

  1. Wider choice of healthy entertainment for the patrons.
  2. Profit-maximisation, growth, and prosperity for the owners.

Simple Vastu principles can be instrumental in meeting these objectives. Vastu rules should be put to use in the following stages:

  • Selection of land of the entertainment complex/plaza.
  • Selection of an existing theatre for conversion into a cineplex.
  • General layout planning.
  • Interior design and decor.

Consult with the Best Scientific Vastu Consultant and Researcher Dr. Kunal Kaushik Today. Dr. Kunal Kaushik provides On-Site Vastu Visits and Online Vastu Advice Worldwide.


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